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Saturday, August 23, 2008
Boomerangs 3

Suddenly, I have such a pang of blogging since Thurs. What's wrong? Normally i post irregularly, as and when i feel like it. Now i post for 3 concecutive days its like abnormal.

Nvm. On to better things. Do u ever feel like there are those moments that you can cherish for a long time? For me, its just that "feel good" feeling that makes me want to cherish. Its like not having anything to do and yet while not doing anything, you have a motive that you are constantly approaching. Maybe thats y feel good travelling. Its like u can watch the world float past, watching everything, relaxing, not doing anything yet you know that you are reaching somewhere as you always have to, a purpose for travelling. In a car, or the bus/MRT or just cycling.
For me, life has to have a "feel good" sense, or its just suffering. "feel good"s can be anything. Maybe i strive to much for this that it ends up not "feeling good" at all. Maybe thats y i wander around, not doing anything not that i dont have stuff to do its just that doing it is not pleasurable. If only everything in life were good. I always try(correct me if im wrong) maintain a light-hearted, friendly appearance with my friends to catch these spur of the moment events that i so love. Other than that i feel uncomfortable with strangers and the like. I seem emo some times and the sort as i wanna catch the moment. If this is emo, so be it.

I seriously dunno y all of a sudden these things start pouring out like the Nigera Falls. Its crazy. Stuff that may have been hidden since the start of the year now explode. Up till the start of last year that i feel that maybe im not aware of anything around me. Its just been fun and laughter, stress at the exams then fun and laughter again. Such has been much of my life from Pri 1 to Pri 5. Events in Pri 5 bring many fond memories that might not be approppriate for the mind of a 11-year-old. But what can i say? Ppl mature faster nowadays because there is a abundance of wealth around them. I only started to actually "NOTICE" whats going around me, be it school or home. Uptil Pri 6 life is like a leaf floating in the breeze. Then the leaf got stuck in a drain which could be because of puberty. then there started the events of emo.regrets.embarrsements.joy.fun.laughter.peace. It feels all connected.

'Nuff said. thats all for now.

Friday, August 22, 2008
Boomerangs 2.

After yesterday's ultimate post, i finally did some soul-searching. There has been always somethings that i want to change of me for like a ultra long time(think end of PSLE last year) and yet i never end up doing....this what i mean by floating. Letme givea example- i start by playin com the whole day.....then after the guilt and remourse has hit while trying to sleep, i promise myself not to do it again like imposing a limit on com time. I abhor to this rule for less than 2 days before it repeats again and im using the com late into the night. It sucks. Stuff like this has never been mentioned to anyone before; even last year. I think that i seem like that light-hearted, sick-minded,simple guy.Well i can be more than that.There are times i feel so emo that i compose essays of emo stuff in my head.(mind u this only started this year) I try to enjoy life as it flows... But there are these regrets. Then when i try to redeem myself, i do. but later i make more regrets. Can this be puberty? or adolesence? or is it just me? Think about this for a sec - if everyone in the whole wide world just enojoyed life; have fun and all that, would it not be awesome? This world is so pressured with competitions flowing like the stars in the sky. Yet i have to admit this is just the beginning. if it feels like pressure, its like comparing the sun to the galaxy. I know many of sec 1s out there do not feel pressure.
My way of coping is well, light-heartetness or in a way = ignorance. Last time there was no pressure because there was none to be felt.It just adds up. Now its a whirlwind. Many are coping well but guess im not. With good reasons,my light-heartedness can be seen to floating around with no purpose in life. This could be the real way I do things too.
So? Enjoy life in GOD. there can be only 1 way and its thru HIM. dunno if u agree with me but who cares?!
So? Be friendly, cheerful with a dab of seriousness in it.

And my results? me not comfortable with doing this but here goes=
PS: before u read the results> read this. I know these results are good compared to other Sec 1s, but they are seriously not good enough to break into the top 10 in the whole VS cohort, let alone Singapore. So, i am extremely grateful that atleast I didnt get lower than a B so far and i dont mean to insult anyone who got lower than me and i talk of DOOM! and all the other(emo)stuff, but stilll......

Chinese- CA test was 54/80 which total adds up to 67/100.B3.
English- Summary test was 15/25. Total term mark = 78/100.A1.
Maths- I failed Vol. test(5/25). So even with the good 26/30 for CA, the total mark was pulled to 70.8/100.
Science- I feel bloody jealous of Ryan who got 35/35 for CA.'cause of 2 bloody mistakes that i easily know how to do, i only got 31/35, instead of 34. still, lets own at TFU!!!(this is a project-based kinda thing).

So there. It sucks in the not-good-to-be-best-in-class kinda thing. . .

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Im starting to think that this com is the cause of all my problems.Life fills like a downward spiral where everything just sucks (into a black hole the size of a pinhead). Results sucks. The blog sucks. My subjects keep going down and my friends go up? Now i know the CAs suck but this could not get worse... I think of myself as a contender for 1st in class(yeahhh im a dork.Watever), but that big $1000 just burns a hole in my pocket. What do i do? People with somehow better lives are getting ahead of me(emo)and i seriously need to get a grip on life. not that my life is bad or anything. its just like floating in the clouds above Mt.Everest, with 1/3 as much oxygen everything looks like Miley Cyrus.... I promised myself a thousand times over to do it but it seems to elude me...
There are days when the veil seems to like be lifted and i could "see the light", feel happy not from pressure but freedom. Then something always bringings me down to earth, hitting me on the head, pounding my heart with adrenaline.
I get easily influenced by everything around me, even this post is influenced.Its hard to control attraction but i feel im done with addiction. Thess days its impossible to think that you can feel good. It feels for 1 moment good then 1000 moments of mortified.I try to get light-hearted and most times do.This year was supposed to be a honey-moon and yet it feels like a goon.
So? What do i do?
I trust in GOD to give me strength.I keep myself from wandering.
I read less,I read more.
Best of all,I ENJOY life through him , (even tiny things around you, good deeds like lending a hand), and it will get better.
Maybe writing this post will change my life.I always like to end on a high to make me feel good like eating the best nugget last at every meal and i feel better already.
The good things in life are the things around u. Treasure them and they will treasure u. A boomerang filled with kindness and joy will always come back someday.I just released mine, and GOD will guide its way.

And still, i consider myself a non-emo guy.....
-results another time.

Sunday, August 3, 2008
Stuff _._ Stuff

Ok. Heres a low down of all the stuff that happened since my first post....that was really important.

VSpeech Day =)

2nd Augest was the(dee-i) Victoria School SPeech Day for 2008.....and what speeches!...First Principal speak for 40+ minutes about DR Ong Chit Chung and all the VS accomplishments..blahblahblah....then we got this fab vid from VS/IT about.well VS?!(6mins+). Then we got that Dr Yaacob Ibrahim to talk about some other things......blahblahblah..another 30+mins. AFTER that still got Tarang(head prefect) speak for what?10minutes?....sheesh i never thought speech day was ACTUALLY SSPPEECCCHHH(ssss-peee-eeee-cccchhhhh) day..
Oh and tell u what......awards ceremony is like--1hr30mins lol...GOt all thes best in level, best in subject....what DR ong chit chung award.....i mean great its good that we get awards but sooo many!! of course got my scholarship(which really is not counted as an award =)for RSP!. Yes..here comes my $1000! maybe i can buy a laptop and a krumpler with it....maybe not....
But the(duhhhh)best part of Speech Day was our performance with the gamelan! Its thisi cool indonesian musical thingy like Chinese Orchestra or smthing like that...we've been practising for like a month since the 2nd week of Augest. We got all this instruments like a gong and drums(yay me![me gay...not]). I play the drums and now come to think about it....im starting to dislike the thing....after all we only know 1 (on-uh) song and my part is just the same rhythm over and over. Well? what can i say? atleast we get CIP hours(every training how long we go, we get as much hours..)I say we must have put it atleast 5 hours!. so its cool.

Maybe some other things another time....i need to study for exams(right like i would do that. I would just go play BoxHead again.ooohhh, now i feel like playing.Anyone 2p?)

First Post...(duh?)

Hi(duh?), now starting a(.aey.) blog for the.....??^6th time?. Anyway, this time its permanent cause the new skin totally rocks!. I know its abit girl(gay)ish but who care!..So ok come and tag, i can probably post everyday cept when im not free......like exams(like now), so ya come again and again and again....
And if u can help like make this skin better, plz comment>......i want to make this better...

Ah and please tagggggggggg..........now...................doIT>.<....................NOW....................comeone............O.o,o.O